Just hearing the words ‘moving day’ can induce panic in some people’s hearts. But this need not be so. Moving house is an exciting period of change in your life. While it can be stressful, it should also be exciting. Follow these tips from Box and Lock Self Storage Nerang for a stress-free moving day – and enjoy your new home!

1. Move before you move

Removing some of your things from your old place before you move house is a fantastic way to reduce stress prior to moving. If you have access to your new home early, this is easy. You can gradually move things across before the big moving day, and this will give you plenty of time to get to know the layout of your new place while getting your move underway.
But what if you don’t have access before the day? That’s where Box and Lock Storage Nerang comes in really handy. Declutter your home by moving non-essentials into a temporary storage solution. This will make the moving day a much smoother and less stressful process. Contact our team here at Box and Lock Self Storage Nerang, to find out what kind of options are available.

Box and Lock Self Storage

2. Plan your move

Before moving day comes, write yourself a thorough list of necessary tasks to complete. By doing so, you can hit the big day knowing exactly what you need to do, and you can experience the satisfaction of ticking off items as they are completed. Just remember: the earlier you write the list, the sooner you can start completing the list.

3. Enlist your friends

It’s no moving day without the help of your friends! Whether they show up out of the goodness of their hearts or you have to bribe them with a free meal afterwards, the more hands you can get on deck, the easier (and the more enjoyable) the move will be. And it goes without saying that any friend with a truck or ute is a must-have! They can help move your belongings to your new place, or into Self Storage Nerang.

Friends helping you move
4. Schedule Breaks

Anyone who has ever moved has made the mistake of working so hard they forget to have a break, resulting in late afternoon exhaustion. Don’t let this happen to you! Set yourself targets, either by time or by progress, and enjoy some breaks from the work. Taking a bit of time out will make it easier to work until the job is done, and you won’t hate the experience as it won’t feel quite as taxing.

older couple outside of house
5. Plan for a lazy dinner

Nothing sounds worse than following up moving house with cooking a full dinner, so allow yourself a relaxing night and either go to a local café for dinner, or grab some takeaway and enjoy your first night at home. Takeaway can be a great idea if you’ve had friends helping out – you can shout them pizza as a thank you, and you get to break in your new home with your mates!

eating while moving house

Just remember to have cutlery and crockery on hand, and if you feel like something to do, make sure you’ve connected your TV or sound system.
With some planning ahead, time management, and accepting help from those who offer it, you should find moving house is much less stressful than you expect.

If you follow these tips from Box and Lock Self Storage Nerang, your move should be smooth and stress free.