Light Colors Make You Home Look Bigger

You can use light colors to make your spaces look bigger. Incorporate many different aspects of interior design in order to lighten up your room. Pastel colors and colors that are in pale shades help to make your space appear larger than it actually is. Here are three fun ways to use light colors in order to enlarge your space.

 #3: Paint the Walls Light

Bringing in a light wall paint is one of the best ways that you can make a room look even bigger than it actually is. Small rooms can be inhibitive. When you’re in a small space, it can create a sense of stuffiness and limitation. You can improve this mood by using light color paints.

You can choose any variety of paint color for your light paints. For example, you can use pastels of light blue and pale green. You can even incorporate warm colors like pink or orange sherbet. Make sure that you acquire your paint from a reputable dealer who will match the paint to the exact color you’re seeking. You can purchase light paints from your local hardware store or box store.

Pink colored wall

When you purchase paint, be careful that you are matching the shade to how it will look in the room. You need to bring home a sample of the paint, in order to see how light it will actually look in the lighting in your house. It may appear different on the store shelf, so you need to do this in order to make sure you’re getting the right color. Once you bring home a sample of the paint and ensure that it is the right color for your house, bring the sample back and ask the person at the counter to make you a bucket of that exact color. You may need to remove the furniture from your house in order to do a full painting, in which case you can store your furniture in self storage Nerang temporarily.

 #2: Light Furnishings

Cabinetry and furnishings in your space should be of a light color. Using light wood in your cabinetry or even white paint will make your kitchen look bigger. Use white handles for the cabinetry to make the space look even larger.

In your living room, you should use furniture that is tan or white. You can use white leather or white fabric in your couches and loveseats. Ottomans should be of a matching color. Remove your darker pieces of furniture and store them in a self storage Nerang. Use hutches or entertainment centers that are of light colored wood, like oak.

 #1: Metallic Accents

Perhaps the lightest color that you can use in your decoration is metallic, which actually reflects light. When it comes to choosing lamps or decorative pieces, always go with metallics. Your best option is to choose silver, which is a cool color and will make the space look much larger than using warm colors like gold.

Metallic home decors

Should you choose to hang paintings or tapestry in your living space, make sure to frame them with silver metallic frames. This will reflect light in the room and therefore make the room appear vast. You can keep all of your darker decorations in self storage Nerang. You can use vases for flowers that are silver metallic, too.